leHealthy Lifestyle
Plant-based activist Hannah Scott was not always a vegetable fan. She remembers growing up consuming plenty of beef. Though it was a trip, switching to plant-based food has been well worth it.
Hannah’s Lentil Tacos are among her beginning-friendly dishes. She comments, “They’re so simple and fulfilling.” She seasons cooked lentils with cumin, chilli powder, and garlic then presents them whole-grain tortillas topped with avocado and salsa.
Another hit is her creamy coconut chickpea curry. “This dish seems decadent but is really quite healthy,” Hannah says. She sautés onions and garlic, adds chickpeas, chopped tomatoes, coconut milk, and then simmered everything under curry spices.
Hannah’s last piece of advice She counsels not overly complicating it. “Simple dishes can be equally mouthwatering as complex ones. Start with what you love then grow from there.
Do modified or conventional push-ups. Perfect for your core, arms, and chest are push-ups. Stressing good form, try for as many as you can.
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